Farm Fresh Holler Burger

You could buy some boring white bread buns...or you could grill up the best veggie + burger stack ever and celebrate the bounty of seasonal veggies growing on the farm in these dog days of summer. 

For the Burger:

  • 1lb Grass Fed Beef

  • ½ tsp each: Oregano, Garlic Powder, Paprika, Yellow Mustard Powder, Salt, Chili Flakes (optional - add some cracked Black Pepper instead)

  1. Combine all Ingredients and form into 3-4 burger patties. Cook to desired doneness alongside veggies:

For the Stack Veggies:

  • 2 Zucchini & 1 Onion - Slice each very thick, approx ½ inch, yielding about 2-3 slices per veg depending size. Coat each in Olive Oil with a healthy sprinkle of Thyme or Oregano, Paprika, Salt & Pepper. 

  • 1 Tomato sliced thick for stacking

  • 1/2 Cucumber sliced into thin rounds - better yet, go the extra mile and make a quick pickle!

  • Put Tomato and Cukes aside. Carefully add Squash and Onion slices to the grill. If the Onion is not staying together, consider wrapping in an aluminum foil pouch. Cook both until browning and tender all the way through but still firm.

For the Beans:

  • 1 Pint Dragon’s Tongue beans: Wash, Dry & Coat in Olive Oil with a sprinkle of Sea Salt

  1. Beans are delicious cooked on the grill if you have a grill pan. If not, simply cook in a skillet with some oil on the stove top. Medium heat until tender.

For the Potato “Chips”:

Plan to put these in the oven as the other ingredients head to the grill.

  • 1 Medium Potato - slice very, very thin with a sharp knife, approx ⅛ inch. Coat in Olive Oil and sprinkle with Sea Salt. You could add Black or Chili Pepper for additional kick. 

  1. Preheat Oven to 400.

  2. Place slices on a parchment paper lined baking tray. Bake for 12 minutes, flip slices over and return to the oven for 10-15 more minutes. We like these just crispy on the outside and soft in the center, but they can be baked til almost completely crispy as well, just watch carefully!

Serve Up! Using your Squash as a bun, Stack your Burger, top with your favorite condiments & cucumber slices and add the final Squash slice (don’t try to balance those Cukes on top like we did - tuck ‘em in!).

Serve alongside Grilled Beans and Potato Chips. 


Pumpkin Cornbread with Fig Honey 


Sweet Green Falafel’ish