Turnip & Potato fritters with seasonal greens

These fritters make for a crispy, delicious way to enjoy your seasonal winter veggies. Serve them on the side or they’ll make a filling vegetarian dinner if you make a few more.


2 medium potatoes, peeled

2 large turnips, peeled

Roughly 1 small bunch of kale, chard, or braising greens, de-ribbed and shredded (don’t toss the ribs of your chard! It’s delicious sauteed with garlic and chili)

½ tsp ground coriander

1 tbsp flour

Chopped cilantro (to taste)

3 tbsp butter

1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce

4 tbsp mayonnaise


Add salt to a pot of water and bring to a boil. Add potatoes and turnips until fork tender, roughly 10 minutes depending on the size of your veggies. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside to cool.

Heat a pan to medium and add your greens. Cook until wilted and tender, roughly 5-10 minutes. Remove from the pan and set aside to cool.

Once the potatoes are cool enough to hold, coarsely grate them and add to a large mixing bowl. Add kale, ground coriander, cilantro, and flour to the bowl and mix well.

Hand shape mixture into fritters, the mixture should make 12 depending on the size.

Heat butter in a large frying pan, and add fritters a few at a time (cook them in batches), cooking both sides for 5 minutes or until golden brown.


Mix sweet chili sauce and mayo together

Serve fritters and sauce together while they’re hot, or freeze them to enjoy later


Creamy Potato Chard Soup


Lentil Salad with Fennel & Beets