Beans and Greens with Toast & Herb Butter

Photos, recipe, and pottery by Allie Stack.

Allie Stack is an Asheville based ceramic artist who makes functional, brightly colored pottery with whimsical drawings often depicting items from our daily lives. To learn more about her, visit her website at: and find her on instagram at: @allie.stack   


For the beans

2 - 15 oz cans of white beans, I used a mixture of cannellini and butter beans but really any will work!

½ red onion, thinly sliced

3 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced

1-2 bunches of greens (about 2 heaping cups once chopped) - I used a mixture of kale and swiss chard but have also used turnip greens, beet greens, radish greens really any thick leafy green will do! Remove ribs & finely chop them- yes we are using them!

2 teaspoons white wine vinegar

Olive oil

Salt & pepper

A good crusty sourdough (I got a sesame loaf from a local maker at the farmer’s market)

For the Herb Butter

1 stick of room temperature unsalted butter

4 garlic scapes, roughly chopped

Parsley, roughly chopped (between ¼ -½ cup depending on how herb-y you want it!) - Also any herb would work - I happened to have parsley on hand so used that

Salt & pepper


For the beans & greens

1. Heat a large pan to medium with oil, add onion, garlic cloves and ribs from the greens and cook for 3-4 minutes, until softened slightly. Season with salt and pepper

2. Add greens and stir until combined and wilted - about 2-3 minutes

3. Add vinegar and re-season with salt and pepper (for the greens!) and cook for

about 2 more minutes then remove from heat

4. Toast bread, spread with herb butter and serve alongside beans & greens!

For the Herb Butter

1. Add garlic scapes and parsley to food processor and pulse a couple times to break everything down

2. Add butter, salt and pepper to food processor and pulse until combined




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